NEP James M. Kidd Distinguished Service Award

The James M. Kidd Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor bestowed on a member of the Northeastern Province.

To be eligible for this award, an Alumni candidate must have been a member of Kappa Alpha Psi for not less than five years and must have been in good financial standing during all of those five consecutive years. The candidate shall have rendered outstanding service to Kappa Alpha Psi, either nationally, to the Province or his local chapter, of such a nature that lasting benefits are accrued to the fraternity as a whole or to the Northeastern Province.


Brother William H. Williams (2007)

Brother Dr. Joseph E. Cordero (2022)


2022 Award Recipient Dr. Joseph Cordero (left) and 2007 Award Recipient William Williams (right) with 2015 Award Recipient and 35th Grand Polemarch Jimmy McMikle (center)